Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Im Just as important.

Threre are changes goin to be made in my youth group and we had a discousion about it.
Pastor Steve theres a couple of people that he is prepareing for minisary and I just said man that makes me feel like a gofer. Pastor Steve my youth Pastor said that he never want to hear that form me a gain, Pastor steve told me what I do for fusion studnet ministary isjust as important . I work in the gift of helps and with out the gift of helps no ministary can not fucntion correctly Pastor Steve told me i stay on top of things and I follow instructions coerctly and i get things done so thats the gift that God has givin me ans I'm goin to work with that .

What a mess !!!!

On Wednesday I volunteer for my church I clean the the Attic our youth room and after that I help Pastor steve and Pastor Robbie do what ever they need to do . Today when I got to the church I cleaned the aftermath of last Wednesday night and i discovered 3 split coke cans in the floor that I did not see Sunday after noon . We have a rule in the attic that says no food or drink allowed in the attic well that rule was broken . Me being the director of invierment I cleaned it up man I wish i knew who did that. But i cant do what i wanna do cuz im a youth group leader and i gotta love them any way.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm God's Child

I'm not the person I was about 3 years ago .I dont like to think abou the person I was
when God found me I was confused , depressed and agery I was doin things i was not sopse to be doing. I id not like christains or had anything to with them . well to make a long story short I live with my grandmother about haif my life and in the summer of 2006 she had a storke and past away . so i moved in with my dad amd I was pull to this church Cornerstone Assembly of God and thats where i found my self and and God came in to my life in a amazing way now since i now God and i now hsi plans for my life im real close to him and im learning day by day im God child 100%

Friday, September 4, 2009

What a busy Day

Man O man I have never worked so hard today but I had a real good day.
the busyest times for my krogers is after 2pm and fridays and nonstop on sundays . But my Job is my mission I have a feeling one day reival will break loose in there and my manager will have to call Pastor steve aand Pastor Robbie to came and see whats goin on that will be a real good day . God has blessed my with my job at krogers and i plan on staying there for as long as can

Livin that Kroger Dream

As you may know i work for Krogers and yes its a love hate relationship but it pays the bills.
Some times my job is real stressfull I'm a courtisy Clerk ,I bag food and clean and do differnt things in the store but some times i feel like im the only one. What realy bugs me some times I work on med shift with the school kids and to be honest with ya they dont do there jobs . They just stand around and cut up and just ignore there chores like a big one LOT we are to get the buggys out of the lot and put them back up in the bend and some times that jsut gets ignored . and when the lot gets backed up it takes forever to get it under control . now yer only out there for 30 min I jsut belive some people just gets payed to work . If I have to do my job they have to do theres thats my story and im stickin to it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In color night one

The First night of in color was amazing.There was aot of lives that had been changed now that never gets old .I have a stong feeling that this will be the start of revial in our teenagers lifes .

A work in Progress

For the past mouths God has been working on me and been revealing to me who I am and what he wants me to be ans I'm moving in the right direction and i praise God for showing me this and I thank him for the convicting me when i do wrong.
I'm not all there yet i have a bunch to learn but I put my faith in God Daily and I die Daily to my self